Sunday, January 6, 2013

the gist

the other day i came to the conclusion that i am one of the most unmotivated dreamers i've ever known. i also concluded that i can't build an empire in 35 minutes. these small realizations have lead me here... yes. blogging. i decided today that i will be 'one of those people'. in the past two days i've taken baby steps (with no intention of internet bragging.. i didn't even take pictures and instagram them [yet], i swear.) but i decided one way to hold myself accountable is to blog about it. if i must make a daily effort to report on the things i have done with the possibility of an audience, maybe it will make it feel like i'm not the only person i'm helping. so here we go. two days ago i reached my limit of ongoing back pain. i feel like i'm getting shanked every so often. it tickles a little, as much as shanking can. in comes the yoga youtube videos. now, i don't know who has youtubed yoga videos.. but you get some amazing results. after a pretzel twist and a discovery of a muscle i didn't know i had, i decided, "hey, while i'm limbered up, why not exercise?". now i'm not entirely sure when the last time i exercised was, but i'd date it somewhere between moses parting the red sea and the lincoln assassination. since it had been a while, i figured i would start small. i did a 45 minute beginner yoga video first the i found these little workouts (obviously from pinterest). this picture is from a tumblr account full of fantastic little work outs that can be done in the 6'x2' cleared space of carpet in my living room.
after my not-so-physically-strenuous-for-the-average-person-but-difficult-for-lazy-me workout, i decided to try one of the 900 pins i've said i'd do eventually. it was a scrub that you use before and after you shave.
its 2 1/2 cups of sugar, 1 cup of oil (i used coconut oil) and 5 tbs of citrus juice (i used orange). it makes the bathtub a tad yucky and i recommend a shower to top it all off, but my legs are super smooth. also, i have incredibly itchy skin after every time i shave, and this time, i haven't had the urge to scratch my legs once. my sister gets the itchies way worse than i, so if she tries it, i'll judge the results a tad better. ok its 6 am.. i should go to bed. yay for productivity when no one else is awake!
hopefully i keep this up. peace and blessings, y'all.

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