Tuesday, January 8, 2013

two for one!

off to a rough start! i skipped a day. oh well. as i sit here thinking about how to start this, hannah is reading job opportunities online in a Bostonian accent. it's beautiful and i think it keeps the search interesting. yesterday i decided to not nap for the first time in 4 or 5 days.. i was pretty successful. instead, hannah and i applied for food stamps, which is a more complicated process than applying for college. i'm just going to copy and paste my facebook status here because my brain isn't working... 

the crawford sister lives have been super fun since my horrific lease left me without more than $8, and Hannah moved home without a job. in between working random organization jobs and learning how to cook an array of dishes stemming from only rice, pasta, canned peaches and frozen veggies (the non-perishables you have "just in case"), we decided to scrounge up some money buy selling our old textbooks. apparently we never did book buy back in college. Amazon offers gift cards in exchange for books you sell to them. after typing out countless ISBNs, we made $239.00 to walmart! we may not need the food stamps after all. thank you college. the books that were supposed to make me money actually did! (in an unconventional way.) sorry for the novel, facebook asked me what was going on.

well that's that! now we have several other books which we need to sell at some point, but that's too much activity for one day ;). 

I think i made my blog with the intention of posting positive things that i'm doing in my life for the better and such to profit from because things for the good will always be for the best and positivity in the end we all have happiness. 

^^my brain makes sense of that somehow

i have no idea why i am so tired and loopy. the first week of the new year has been one stressful time, but we are getting through it like a one legged man in a butt-kicking contest: not really successful, but always determined. for our food quest tonight (and i guess my positive act of the night), we made spinach, mustard greens, and rice. after i threw that away, i had a delicious bowl of cinnamon life cereal (the last bit of it, unfortunately). 

after everything that has been going on and the craziness that has been our lives lately, i'm so glad i have my wonderful titter to make me laugh. no matter if its a crazy living situation, no money, no gas, or being among hurtful people, we always have something to smile about. im overly grateful that she is here and i know that 2013 will be a year of abundant blessings and growth for the both of us. 

i really hope no one is offended by how terribly written this is. i guess i shouldn't sell that book on the basics of writing. 

if you're happy and you know it, good.

katie joy, y'all. 

Sunday, January 6, 2013

the gist

the other day i came to the conclusion that i am one of the most unmotivated dreamers i've ever known. i also concluded that i can't build an empire in 35 minutes. these small realizations have lead me here... yes. blogging. i decided today that i will be 'one of those people'. in the past two days i've taken baby steps (with no intention of internet bragging.. i didn't even take pictures and instagram them [yet], i swear.) but i decided one way to hold myself accountable is to blog about it. if i must make a daily effort to report on the things i have done with the possibility of an audience, maybe it will make it feel like i'm not the only person i'm helping. so here we go. two days ago i reached my limit of ongoing back pain. i feel like i'm getting shanked every so often. it tickles a little, as much as shanking can. in comes the yoga youtube videos. now, i don't know who has youtubed yoga videos.. but you get some amazing results. after a pretzel twist and a discovery of a muscle i didn't know i had, i decided, "hey, while i'm limbered up, why not exercise?". now i'm not entirely sure when the last time i exercised was, but i'd date it somewhere between moses parting the red sea and the lincoln assassination. since it had been a while, i figured i would start small. i did a 45 minute beginner yoga video first the i found these little workouts (obviously from pinterest). this picture is from a tumblr account full of fantastic little work outs that can be done in the 6'x2' cleared space of carpet in my living room.
after my not-so-physically-strenuous-for-the-average-person-but-difficult-for-lazy-me workout, i decided to try one of the 900 pins i've said i'd do eventually. it was a scrub that you use before and after you shave.
its 2 1/2 cups of sugar, 1 cup of oil (i used coconut oil) and 5 tbs of citrus juice (i used orange). it makes the bathtub a tad yucky and i recommend a shower to top it all off, but my legs are super smooth. also, i have incredibly itchy skin after every time i shave, and this time, i haven't had the urge to scratch my legs once. my sister gets the itchies way worse than i, so if she tries it, i'll judge the results a tad better. ok its 6 am.. i should go to bed. yay for productivity when no one else is awake!
hopefully i keep this up. peace and blessings, y'all.